Coming to terms with my therian identity was a profound journey, but understanding and experiencing shifts added another layer of complexity and wonder. Here’s a look into what shifts are, what to expect, and how to manage them based on my experiences and those of my friends.
What are Shifts?
In therianthropy, shifts refer to changes in a therian’s mindset, sensations, or perception of their body, aligning more closely with their animal identity. There are different types of shifts, each with its unique characteristics:
- Mental Shifts: This involves a change in mindset where one begins to think and perceive the world more like their therian type. For me, a mental shift into my fox self often means heightened awareness and curiosity.
- Phantom Shifts: These shifts involve feeling as though you have additional limbs or features of your therian type that aren’t physically there. I often feel phantom ears or a tail, which can be both fascinating and strange.
- Sensory Shifts: During these shifts, your senses may seem to sharpen or change. My sense of smell becomes more acute, and I feel more in tune with nature around me.
It’s important to note that not everyone experiences shifts, and having one is not a requirement to be a therian. Each therian has their own unique journey and experiences. Shifts are neither a badge of honor nor something to boast about; they can be as much a curse as a blessing. It’s all part of our diverse and individual paths.
What to Expect During a Shift
Each shift can bring a variety of sensations, both physical and emotional. Initially, I was unsure of what to expect, but over time I began to notice patterns.
Physically, a phantom shift might feel like a light touch or pressure where my tail or ears would be. Emotionally, I often experience a mix of excitement and tranquility during a mental shift, as if a part of me is more aligned with my true self. The intensity and nature of these shifts can vary widely from one therian to another.
Friends of mine have shared similar experiences, though with their own unique twists. For some, shifts can be a calming escape, while for others, they might bring about a surge of energy.
Introducing My New Book: “I’m a Therian,So What Now?”
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore what it means to be a therian. Whether you’re just discovering your inner animal or have been part of the community for years, this book offers insights, advice, and relatable experiences to guide you along the way.
Feelings and Sensations
Shifts can evoke a wide range of feelings. Imagine the sensation of wearing a hat for hours, then taking it off and still feeling it there—that’s similar to a phantom shift. Emotionally, it’s like tapping into a deeper part of oneself, a mixture of peace and alertness.
During my first mental shift, I felt an overwhelming sense of clarity and focus, as if I was seeing the world through new eyes. It was both exhilarating and a little disorienting.
Issues to Consider
Shifting isn’t always convenient, especially in public or during important tasks. Recognizing triggers is crucial. Hunger, specific scents, or even certain environments can prompt a shift. It’s important to find safe spaces where you can shift without concern. For me, nature walks during quiet times are perfect for letting the fox within me come alive.
There’s also the challenge of “shifter’s disease,” a term some use to describe the psychological strain from suppressing shifts. This can lead to restlessness, anxiety, or species dysphoria if not managed well.
Controlling Shifts
Controlling or mitigating shifts is sometimes necessary. Engaging in human-centric activities like math puzzles or video games can help anchor me back to my human form. Physical exercise is another great way to manage restlessness and reduce the frequency of uncontrolled shifts.
I also learned to avoid known triggers when I need to stay focused and human. Understanding these triggers and preparing for them can make a huge difference.
Understanding and managing shifts is a deeply personal journey that requires patience and self-awareness. Embrace your therian identity, find your triggers, and build a support system that understands your experiences. Shifting is a unique aspect of who you are, and with time, you’ll find a balance that works for you.