Hey Y’all! As a therian, I love to see how dope the spectrum of identities within the alterhuman community is. One topic close to my heart is the concept of otherkin and how it relates to therianthropy. Having been on my own journey with identities since early memories, I wanted to share my thoughts on what it means to identify as otherkin, kinfluid, and more.
Origin and Identity
Being otherkin involves identifying spiritually, mentally, or emotionally as a non-human entity. This is similar to the therian experience but encompasses a broader range of possible identities. The first reference I found to the term Otherkin was from the early 1990s from a mailing list called The Elfinkind Digest. It was a safe place for people who identified as a mythical character such as and Orc, Elf or a Dragon. There were so many identities within the group that they decided to just keep it simple and call themselves otherkins.

From my perspective, understanding the differences between therians and otherkin is crucial. While therians identify specifically as earthly animals, otherkin encompass a broader range of non-human entities. This can include mythical creatures, fictional characters, and other non-animal beings. I think this distinction is important because it highlights the diversity within our community and allows us to appreciate the unique journeys each of us undertakes.
Community and Resources
One thing I’ve noticed is the wealth of resources and communities available for otherkin. Guides, lexicons, and directories are out there to help individuals explore and understand their identities. For example, annual online conventions like Othercon provide a space for otherkin to gather and share their experiences. I believe these resources are invaluable for anyone on a journey of self-discovery, as they offer guidance and a sense of belonging.
In my experience, both therians and otherkin undergo profound journeys of self-discovery. I’ve seen individuals explore different types of creatures, like feathered dinosaurs or dragons, before finding a fit. This process of self-discovery is deeply personal and often involves a lot of reflection and community support. These journeys are not just about finding an identity but also about understanding oneself on a deeper level.
For example, one Reddit user on the Therian thread shared their journey of identifying as an anchiornis huxleyi, a bird-like dinosaur from the late Jurassic period. They had always been fascinated with dinosaurs and initially explored being an avian or a dragon before discovering their true identity through community suggestions and personal introspection. Another user mentioned how the movie “Luca” helped them realize their identity as a sea monster/creature otherkin. Media and cultural elements definitely play a significant role in how people discover their otherkin identities. For example, movies can help individuals realize their connection to certain characters or creatures. In my case, certain books and films have deeply resonated with me, helping me understand my own theriotype better. I believe this cultural influence is a powerful tool for self-discovery and expression.

Kinfluid, Otherlinking, Otherhearted, Fictionkin
There are many different terminologies to label the types of identities we have within the alterhuman community. Honestly, nowadays it feels a bit like every day I see a new term… Which is on one hand fine, because it’s everyone’s own decision to best categorize themselves but on the otherhand I just don’t think that over categorizing things will help the community in the long run. That being said, here are the most established terms.
So, let’s start with kinfluid or fluidkin. These are people who feel like different creatures at different times. Imagine one day you wake up feeling like a powerful dragon and the next day you feel like a sneaky fox. How cool is that? It’s like having a shape-shifting superpower! I think it’s awesome because it shows how our feelings can change and that’s totally okay.
Another term is “otherlinking.” This is when someone identifies as another creature just for fun, or to help them feel better when they’re stressed or sad. It’s like when you play a game and pretend to be your favorite character, but in real life! For example, someone might pretend to be a magical unicorn to feel happy. It’s like using your imagination to cope with stuff. Pretty neat, right?
We also have terms like “otherhearted” or “otherkith.” These are people who really love and connect with a certain creature but don’t fully think they are that creature. Maybe they act like that animal or love its traits but don’t feel like they are one. It’s like having a spirit animal that you really admire and want to be like.
Finally, being a Fictionkin refers to ones who identify with some sort of a fictional character.
These words show just how diverse and flexible our community is. We’ve got all sorts of ways to describe how we feel and who we connect with. It’s like we have a big, colorful dictionary of cool identities! And honestly, it makes our community super creative and fun.
Introducing My New Book: “I’m a Therian,So What Now?”
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore what it means to be a therian. Whether you’re just discovering your inner animal or have been part of the community for years, this book offers insights, advice, and relatable experiences to guide you along the way.
Overlap and Distinctions
I’ve also noticed that some people identify as both therian and otherkin. Managing these dual identities can be challenging, but it’s also a testament to the complexity of human experience. For instance, in the Therian Reddit thread one user shared that they identify as both a therian and an otherkin, with their otherkin identity being a na’vi from the movie “Avatar.” They constantly feel a connection to their fandom tail and ears, which sometimes overlaps with their feline theriotype .
Thanks for reading my article and I hope you enjoyed it!
Stay curious and adventurous,
Jake 🌳🦝🐕